Linky klubov z celého sveta
Belgische newfoundlander club
Novofundlandklub ČR
Novofundlandský pes česká republika Newfoundlandklubben i danmark
Eesti newfoundlandi koerte ja landseeride touuhing
Suomen newfoundlandinkoirayhdistys Club francais du chien terre-neuve et du landseer
Nederlandsee newfoundlander club
Deutscher Neufundländer Klub
The Verein von Neufundländer-Freunden und - Züchtern in Deutschland e. V. Norsk newfoundlandshundklubb
Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce - Klub Nowofundlanda
Klub nowofundland i landseera w polsce Clube portugues do terranova
Osterreichischen neufundlanderklubs
Club espanol del terranova
Schweizerischer neufundlander und landseer klub
Svenska newfouundlandshund klubben
Club italiano terranova
Societa' Amatori Terranova The newfoundland club (uk)
The northern newfoundland club of great britain
The Scottish Newfoundland Club Amerika
Newfoundland club of america, inc.
Newfoundland Dog Club of Canada
East of tokyo newfoundland club
St. Bernard & Newfoundland club of Israel
Austrália a Nový Zéland
Newfoundland Club of New South Wales
Newfoundland Club of South Australia
Newfoundland Club of Victoria Inc. The Newfoundland Club Inc. New Zealand
The Southern Newfoundland Society
Kiwi Newfoundlands